What many of us tend to forget, is that an interview goes both ways. Of course, you’re interviewing for a travel assignment you’re interested in and hope to get – but don’t forget – you’re also interviewing the hospital to see if what they have meets YOUR expectations.
Below we get into all the things you want to make sure to ask – to make sure – that this assignment is right for you.
What the Hospital is Looking For
Nurse managers are typically looking for an RN that is flexible, experienced, organized, a good communicator, and would be a positive addition to the floor.
These questions will simply demonstrate you know what you’re doing, you know what you’re looking for, and you’re looking to make sure this is a good fit for the both of you.
You don’t have to ask ALL of these questions, just pick and choose what’s important to you.
Pro-Tip: Make sure to get the Nurse Manager’s (or whomever is conducting the interview) contact information so you can send a follow-up email, detailing what you two chatted about.
So let’s get to it!
Nurse Interview Questions
Your First Day
Nurse Interview Questions: Questions to ask about your first day.
What’s your start date?
What shift will you be required to work?
Will your shift change throughout the course of your assignment?
Who do you connect with at the hospital on your first day?
Nurse Interview Questions: Questions to ask about orientation.
Is there an orientation for the facility & the unit?
How long are they and will you be paid for that time?
Do they require you to complete (and pass) any tests?
Are the tests before, or after orientation?
Will you be given a separate unit orientation if you’re required to float?
The Hospital
Nurse Interview Questions: Questions to ask about the hospital.
How many beds are in the facility? The unit?
Are there other travel nursers at the hospital? If so, how many?
What are the required scrub colors? Is there reimbursement if you don’t own those colors?
Your Unit
Nurse Interview Questions: Questions to ask about your unit.
What’s the nurse-to-patient ratio?
What’s the maximum nurse-to-patient ratio?
What’s the charting system?
What are the unit’s biggest struggles and challenges?
What resources are available to support RNs on the unit?
What’s the float policy?
What do they recommend you do, if you’re asked to float to a unit you’re not comfortable floating too? (e.g. an L&D RN being asked to float to the ICU)
Pro-Tip: If the hospital uses a charting system you’re not familiar with, ask if they provide an orientation on that particular system. If not – see if you can find some videos on line (YouTube has a wealth of knowledge) to get a familiar with that charting system.
Your Schedule
Nurse Interview Questions: Questions to ask about your schedule.
How are the schedules created?
How far in advance will you know what exact shifts you’ll be working?
Is block scheduling an option?
Are weekends and holidays required?
What exact holidays are paid time and a half for working. (Not every hospital will recognize the same holidays.)
How many hours do you need to hit before overtime pay kicks in?
Are you required to be on call? If so, how often?
Pro-Tip: If you are planning to request any time off during your 13-week contract, it’s best to include this information in your contract. That way, you have approval in writing should that time-off ever come into question.
After the interview you’ll want to do two things:
Let your recruiter know (either by phone or by email) if you are still interested in the opening. This way – they can get the ball rolling and get you an official offer faster. At Next Move – we’re seeing candidates get offers within 48-hours sometimes, same day.
Send a follow-up email to the person who interviewed you. Let them know how much you enjoyed learning about the opportunity, how excited you are to get started, and summarize any details the two of you discussed (like block scheduling, float, etc.).
Pro-Tip: Remember, if it’s not in your contract, it doesn’t exist. Even if you and the nurse manager talked about how they would never, ever, in 500 million years float you to another unit, sh*t happens, and nurses get floated all the time. If you’re dead set against floating – make sure it’s in your contract!
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